Sevil Atalay Vural
Ankara University, Turkey
Title: The detection of progressive and regressive phase and line-1 retrotransposone in transfected dogs with transmissible venereal tumor during chemptherapy
Biography: Sevil Atalay Vural
Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a commonly occurred in genital and extragenital sites of both genders. The tumor is spread through tumor cell transplantation from affected to unaffected dogs usually during coitus. LINE-1 or L1 retrotransposone has pivotal role in allogenic transfection amongst uncontrolled dog population. In the study, it is aimed to evaluate macroscopical, histopathological and cytological findings of canine transmissible venereal tumor in transfected dogs during chemotherapy. Immunohistochemically, the tumor was also investigated in which phase was found using specific markers (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD79, TGF-β) and amplified spesific sequence of TVT LINE (LINE-1) retrotransposon by in situ PCR method. Polyhedral-shaped neoplastic cells which had large, round, hypo/hyperchromatic nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm were detected. All markers were found positively in especially early weeks of recovery. CD4 and TGF-β markers were also conspiciously positive at initial stage. In situ PCR, LINE-1 sequence was initially positive in only 4 cases. It is believed that CDs and TGF- β provided phase identification of tumor at initial and during chemotherapy. And, it is thought that presence of T and B lymphocytes, which have roles in cellular and humoral immunity, need so that regression of the tumor is possible.